
Materials Needed: G Hook, Worsted Weight Yarn in Blue, Dark Blue, and White, Polyfill, Yarn Needle

Side: (Make 4)

With blue, Ch 21

R1: Sc across (20 SC)

R2-22: Sc across, changing color to dark blue and white based on the following:


R23: In BLO, dec, sc 16, dec.

R24: In both loops, dec, sc 14, dec.

R25: Dec, sc to last 2, dec.

R26-30: Rep R25

R31, Dec, dec. Fasten off.

In R19-21, stitch the words “Police Box” with white over the dark blue

On one side, stitch a white block on the second dark blue box on the left.


With blue, ch 21

R1-20: Sc across.

After R20, fasten off.


With dark blue, sc around the base, connecting the bottom of each side to the base.

Sc the sides together, starting with the bottom toward the top. Do not join the last row, leaving 2 stitches at the top of each side.

Stuff before you join the last half of the final side.


With dark blue, in the skipped 2 stitches on each side, sc 8.

Sc 2 more rows of 8 sc.

Dec around and fasten off. Sew up final 4 stitches.

Weave in all ends.

Please note: This pattern is free for your use. Please feel free to make as many as you want of the finished project. NOTE: I have no affiliation with the BBC or Dr. Who. If you choose to sell your final product, please credit this site for the pattern. Please DO NOT SELL the pattern. Thanks!